Rarity Breakdown
Troopers are the main unit in the game. You will need 1 trooper for each mission you send out and also 1 trooper for each encounter you attempt. If you want to attempt 1 encounter and send 4 missions at the same time you will need 5 troopers.
There are 3 types of Troopers. Workhorses, Guardians, and Utilities. Workhorse Troopers are very good at missions as they have lots of grunt gears. Guardians are great for fighting encounters as they have tactician gears and power gears which are more used for fighting. Utility Troopers are the jack-of-all-trades type that can be used for anything. As trooper rarity increases a trooper will have more gear slots available.
Trooper NFT Card Information
Wormfoil is a common utility Trooper. Since he is a utility Trooper this means he has at least 1 of each type of gear. There are 3 different gear slots. Wormfoil can hold 1 grunt gear, 1 tactician gear, and 2 power gears.
The green fist icon represents grunt gears. These are mostly used for missions.
Tactician gears are blue with a wrench. These are good for encounters.
Power gears are the red explosion icon. These make your trooper stronger while fighting in a battle.
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